Publication Award (Graduates)

For: Graduates



The Excellence in Publication Award is designed to encourage publication by CEN graduate students in peer-reviewed scientific journals and books (chapters). Publications must have "accepted" status to qualify for this award. Students have two years following the final submission of their thesis to apply for the Publication Excellence Award. The student must be the first author of a publication based on work carried out at CEN. The CEN must appear in the author's affiliation.

Please note that articles published in conference proceedings will not be awarded the Publication Excellence Award, but rather the Presentation Award’s $100 bonus.



  • 1st paper accepted: $300;
  • 2nd paper accepted (and +): $500.


  • 1st paper accepted: $300;
  • 2nd paper accepted: $400;
  • 3rd paper accepted (and +)*: $500.

* Up to 5 items. Master’s and doctoral papers are not cumulative, except in the case of direct transfer to the doctorate.

Supporting documents

  • A copy of the official letter of acceptance of the article by the journal;
  • A copy of the first page of the published article (or manuscript if the article is not yet published) including the authors (you must be the first author) and their affiliations and the abstract as submitted to the journal. The student's affiliation with CEN must be clearly indicated.

Application Deadline

March 1st of each year.

CEN Recognition Policy

We strongly encourage CEN members to add the following sentence in the acknowledgements section of their publication:

"We also thank the Centre d'études nordiques for:

  • access to its research infrastructure;
  • the professional and logistic support;
  • the financial support in the realization of this project."

Other Prize

If you have published an article (in a refereed journal), a book chapter, a book, etc., resulting from work carried out as part of your research in Québec, you are also eligible for the FRQ's Star Student Researcher Award, which is awarded each month and is worth $1,000.

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