CEN Joint Publications Program

For: Regular members only


Description and objectives

This program aims to promote and encourage the co-publication of research work by at least two regular members of the Centre. At the same time, this program encourages regular members to identify CEN in their author affiliations, and to acknowledge CEN's contribution to their work in the acknowledgements section of their publications.

Funding available

Reimbursement of eligible expenses up to a maximum of $2,000.

Terms and Conditions


On a first-come, first-served basis until available funds are exhausted. Only regular members may apply.

Eligibility requirements:

  • Type of publications accepted: peer-reviewed scientific articles or books. Vulgarization articles, guides or reports may be considered if the anticipated impact is significant.
  • Two regular members of the CEN must be listed as principal authors.
  • CEN membership must be indicated in the authors' affiliations.
  • Financial support from the CEN must be acknowledged.
  • In the case of a peer-reviewed article, the article must be published under an open license (Creative Commons "Attribution" license (CC BY) or equivalent).
  • Only one financial support per year per regular status member.

Eligible expenses:

Open access publication costs in a peer-reviewed scientific journal that meet one of the following criteria (to be verified with the Journal checker tool):

  • For immediate open access (non-subscription) journals, publication costs are eligible (golden path; full open access category in the Journal checker tool)
  • For transformative subscription journals (orange track; Transformative agreement or transformative journal in the Journal checker tool)

Exceptionally, professional fees (for graphic design, layout, translation, etc.) for a book or a high-impact scientific article published in journals not eligible for payment of open access publication fees.

Summary document of the different paths to open access and interpretation of the results of the Journal checker tool (FR).


At mid-term and at the end of the project.

  • An electronic copy of the publication must be submitted to CEN.

Evaluation criteria

  • Adequacy with the scientific program of CEN.
  • Anticipated impact of the publication.
  • Number of CEN members involved in the initiative.


To apply, please fill in the following form and send it by email to: info@cen.ulaval.ca. Incomplete applications will be automatically rejected.

Download the CEN Joint Publications form (FR).

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