

The Centre d'études nordiques (CEN) was founded under the initiative and perseverance of visionary geographer Louis-Edmond Hamelin (1923-2020), who stimulated the Québec government's interest in research in the Far North. On August 2, 1961, the CEN was created by ministerial decree (No. 1684), at the suggestion of the then Premier of Quebec, Jean Lesage, and under the responsibility of the Minister of Natural Resources, René Lévesque. On December 20, 1961, CEN became Université Laval's first official research centre.

CEN Fields of Activity

The CEN brings together researchers, students, trainees and research professionals from a variety of disciplines, working together to better understand the evolution of arctic, subarctic, boreal and alpine terrestrial environments. The main areas of intervention in which they work are as follows:

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